版本需求:Android 5.0 - 7.1.1
Are you unsatisfied with the slow GPS refresh rate with your current dashcam app? OBDash reads data from your cars computer through OBD. This data is very accurate and fast with at least 5(hz) refreshes per second. Compared to phone GPS refresh rate which is set to 1(hz) refresh per second.
Your speed will be recorded even when you move through tunnels or when your phone cannot get a GPS response.
- Supports any ELM327 Bluetooth OBD2 adapter
- OBD dashboard showing: RPM, Speed, Coolant temperature, Intake air temperature
- Background recording mode, so you can use multiple apps simultaniously.
- Creates automatic video subtitles (SRT) with OBD speed*, GPS speed and date + time
- Customizable video record settings
- Video interval recording + auto remove old video's settings.
- Video orientation settings
- Acceleration times
- Low application footprint, which results in low battery consumption
- No internet connection required
- No ads and completely free
*OBD2 is not required, speed will fall back to GPS when not connected to the car
Features under development:
- User experience improvements
- Front camera recording
If you have any suggestions and/or problems, please contact me.
Blackbox Bluetooth OBD2 OBD OBDII Video Camera